Empowering people to keep an objective view on the post-truth world is our reason to exist. Misinfor- mation has been around as long as people have been communicating with each other but during the digital age this has developed into one of the main threats to our society. Information or the ability to simulate it has become power and even a source for contemporary warfare, especially endangering our political climate and the health of our planet. 
4M8 sees all living things as a part of a evergrowing web where no one is superior to the other. Those who manipulate this system are lifting themselves above it and it’s our job to stand against it fearles- sly. Misinformation is not going to disappear from the world but it will continue to change its form. This is an ongoing process that will never be finis- hed but continues to shape our future. 
Our designs are inspired by the pride of the anti-es- tablishment, connectivity and the notion that our future is continuously in process. By implementing NFC-chip technology into our designs we want to lead by example and show our transparency. Everyone can tap their phones on the chip and get the information of our looks for Triptych 2019 with an NFC Reader app. So instead of taking our word for it or using assumptions, you can see it yourself and become a part of our future. 
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